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Hello Dolly

The Cowichan Valley School District is thrilled to host the video series ‘Hello Dolly’ with Dolly Sylvester, District Elder and Knowledge Keeper.

Dolly creates a safe space for questions about Elders and Cowichan culture and invites you in to listen with your heart and your mind. In the first video Dolly answers the question, “what makes an Elder?” In her warm and welcoming fashion, Dolly will walk you through how Elders are identified in Cowichan culture.

Subsequent videos will answer some common questions, but Dolly is hoping you’ll send your questions in as well. Dolly wants to hear from you, and she wants to help walk through the process of understanding with your heart and mind in her own respectful manner.

Hwul’hwulenuhwtnaat‘ (Dolly Sylvester) was made one of the Province’s first full-time District Elder and Knowledge Keepers last April. The District Elder / Knowledge Keeper is a position of honour and plays a pivotal role in continuing to shape the District’s relationships with Nations throughout the valley, as well as being a conduit for Elders throughout the community. The position continues to bring Indigenous perspectives and knowledge to the school community and beyond.